Adding Test Runners to Pandokia


When Pandokia executes tests, it uses a test runner to execute the set of tests in a specific file. You can add interfaces to your own test runners, as long as they can report their results in pandokia format.

This document describes how to support a new test runner.

Pick a name

Your test runner needs a name that pandokia can use internally. In the examples, I will add a test runner named shell_runner.

Describe file names for that kind of test

Pandokia uses a wild card pattern to recognize all the files that belong to a particular test_runner.

If you are adding a new runner to the pandokia source tree, change the value of runner_glob in pandokia/runners/

If you are adding your own runner, change the value of runner_glob in the installed module pandokia.config

Choose your wildcard and add it to the list of patterns:

runner_glob = [
#   ( 'not_a_test*.py',     None        ),
    ( '*.py',               'nose'      ),
    ( '*.xml',              'regtest'   ),
    ( 'test*.sh',           'shell_runner' ),

Define the python code to interface with your runner

For a runner named XYZ, you must create either the module pandokia.runners.XYZ (to build your runner into pandokia) or pandokia_runner_XYZ (to create your runner as a separately installable python module).

For example, for shell_runner, you would create the file pandokia/runners/

In this file, you define the functions that Pandokia will call to locate your runner.

The functions are:

  • def command( env )

    The function command returns a command that pandokia should use to execute a test. The parameters are all in the dictionary env, along with other environment variables. The returned command is used roughly like this:

    p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, env = env )

    (for exact details, see the function run() in pandokia/

    Normally, we expect that you will want to run your testing system in a separate process. This allows the test system to keep operating, even if something about a particular test or test_runner causes a crash.

    Instead of a single command, this function can return a list of commands to be executed in order.

  • def lst( env )

    The function list returns a list of the test names that are in the file, but does not execute any of the tests. When a test file is disabled, this feature is used to find a list of disabled tests to include in the pandokia log file.

    It is not always convenient to implement this feature. If it is not, return None.

The parameter env is a dictionary of environment variables that would be used to execute the test. Everything you need to know is stored in this environment.

The specific variables of interest are:


    The name of the directory that the test is in. Pandokia always runs the test from the directory where the test is found, so this value is the same as os.getcwd()


    The name of the file that contains the tests. The file is in the current working directory.


    Your test runner should append test results to this file.


    The name of the test run that this test execution is part of.


    The name of the project that this test execution is part of.


    The name of the context that this test is running in.


    This prefix represents the directories at higher levels in the directory tree. If the prefix is not ‘’, you should insert the prefix and a ‘/’ in front of the test name.



    Internal tracking values used when executing tests in parallel. These values are not directly useful to a test_runner, but the system does not remove them from the environment.

Other environment variables are also present, either from the environment inherited from your shell or from the pdk_environment files.

Implement the command that runs your tests

You must provide a program that actually runs the tests. It should use arguments and/or environment variables to know what to do.

You should APPEND data in pandokia log format to the file named in $PDK_LOG.

See doc/file_format.txt and doc/report_fields.txt for details of the report format.

Before starting your program, pdkrun wrote some default values to the log file. These are:


At a minimum, you must add:


You may report values that override the defaults, and you may add other fields as described in doc/report_fields.txt.

Using in your python-base test runner

If you are writing in python, you can use the “reporter” object in pandokia.helpers.pycode to write properly formatted records to $PDK_LOG :

import pandokia.helpers.pycode as pycode

# initialize one instance of the pycode reporter; if you are
# running in pandokia, you don't need any parameters except
# the None.
rpt = pycode.reporter( None )

# declare your test name and a dict for the attributes.
test_name = 'some_test'
tda = { }
tra = { }

# start the test.  tda will not be used until the call to finish()
# so more tdas can still be added by the test code.
# this call remembers what time the test started.
rpt.start( test_name, tda )

# cause python to redirect sys.stdout and sys.stderr into a StringIO

# perform the test.  It should fill in attributes in tda[]
# and tra[] and set the value of status.

# capture the redirected stdout
log = pycode.end_snarf_stdout()

# report the result of the currently running test.  This call
# knows what time the test finished.
rpt.finish( status, tra, log )


You can also report the test all at once instead of splitting into start()/finish() :

import pandokia.helpers.pycode as pycode

# initialize one instance of the pycode reporter; if you are
# running in pandokia, you don't need any parameters except
# the None.
rpt = pycode.reporter( None )

# declare your test name and a dict for the attributes.
test_name = 'some_test'
tda = { }
tra = { }

start_time = time.time(0)

# cause python to redirect sys.stdout and sys.stderr into a StringIO

# perform the test.  It should fill in attributes in tda[]
# and tra[] and set the value of status.

# capture the redirected stdout
log = pycode.end_snarf_stdout()

# report the result of the test.  Leave out optional args
# if you don't want to report them. test_name, status, start_time = start_time,
    end_time = time.time(0), tra = tra, tda = tda, log = log )


This is a primitive tool for writing log files. Calls to rpt.start() and rpt.finish() do not nest, and attempts to write to the same file with more than one rpt object are likely to end badly.