Python: Parameterized Tests

abstract:When you have a list and you want to run the same test function for each item in the list.


import pandokia.helpers.pycode as pycode

p_list = [
     ( 'nameA', 'v1', 'v2' ),
     ( 'nameB', 'va', 'vc' ),

for name, v1, v2 in p_list :
    with pycode.test(name) :
        assert foo(v1, v2)

The tests will be named nameA and nameB


import pytest

p_list = [
     ( 'nameA', 'v1', 'v2' ),
     ( 'nameB', 'va', 'vc' ),

@pytest.mark.parametrize( ('name', 'v1', 'v2'), p_list)
def test_thing(name, v1, v2) :
    assert foo(v1,v2)

The tests will be named test_thing[nameA-v1-v2] and test_thing[nameB-va-vc]

Take notice that the spelling of “parametrize” does not contain an “e” before the “r”.


p_list = [
     ( 'nameA', 'v1', 'v2' ),
     ( 'nameB', 'va', 'vc' ),

def run_it( v1, v2 ) :
    assert foo(v1,v2)

def test_thing() :
    for name, v1, v2 in p_list :
        yield run_it, v1, v2

The tests will be named test_thing('v1',_'v2') and test_thing('va',_'vc')