Environment variables

These environment variables are used by pandokia:


As input to pdkrun: equivalent to –context

As input to a runner: The name of the context to be reported for the tests to be run.


As input to a runner: The full path name of the current directory where the test is executing.


As input to a runner: The name of the file that contains tests to run in this process. pandokia runners may use this to know which file to run tests from, though a runner may also be written to take the file name as a parameter.


As input to pdkrun: equivalent to –log

As input to a runner: The name of the file to append PDK_LOG entries to. This is how the test runner reports results to the rest of the system.

PDK_PARALLEL (input, output)

As input to pdkrun: equivalent to –parallel ; the number of concurrent test runners that may execute.

As input to a runner: The max number of concurrent test runners that may be executing. Not particularly useful.


As input to a runner: A small integer that uniquely identifies one of the concurrent test processes. You can use this for unique temp file names.


As input to pdkrun: equivalent to –project

As input to a runner: The name of the project to be reported for the tests to be run.


As input to pdkrun or “pdk status”: Name of file to record currently executing processes.


As input to a runner: This MUST be prepended to the local test names that the runner reports. It contains the location in the hierarchy where the current test file is located.


As input to pdkrun: equivalent to –test_run ; the name of the test run to report.

As input to a runner: The name of the test_run to be reported for the tests to be run.


As input to pdkrun: The number of wall clock seconds that a test runner may be allowed to run. This time is per-file. Processes that exceed this limit will be killed, first with SIGTERM and 10 seconds later with SIGKILL if necessary. Processes that survive SIGKILL for more than 10 seconds will be assumed to be wedged and ignored.


Used internally to locate certain temp files.